09 889 6557

New Zealand Phone Numbers

Virtual Phone numbers in Australia

Australia phone numbers are a very popular choice in our portfolio (next to USA phone numbers). The beauty of having a phone number in Australia is the fact that there is no language barrier at all. You may have to extend your working week if you want to set up your services in Australia.

Most of our customers who use us for Australia phone numbers take services in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Perth as these are the major towns across the country, Companies use Australia phone numbers to either support an existing customer base or to market into new international customers. Having a phone number in say Sydney would make people believe that you have an office in that city. If they think that you are local then you are more likely to get an enquiry.

To buy a phone number in Australia simply select your city and follow the online process. Your Australia phone number will be up and live before you know it!

5G Mobile connections
Virtual Phone

About virtual phone numbers in Australia

Buy virtual landline numbers in Australia and have them pointed to your existing landline or mobile phone.

  • Quick set up (same day if we have stock of the city you need.
  • 30 days minimum term (monthly rolling contract).
  • Perfect service if you are looking to sell your products in another country and you want to look local.
  • Ideal if you already have customers abroad and you want to provide them with a local number to call you rather than dialling international numbers.
  • People buy from local companies. It doesn’t matter now that you could be 10,000 miles away.

We supply thousands of international virtual numbers to both small and large companies all over the world. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions regarding setting up a number.

Look global with one of our local numbers!

Order virtual local numbers in Australia by choosing your local city above.

The country code for Australia phone numbers is +61 and due to the country being so vast they have split it up into 4 geographic regions.

The length of a telephone number in Australia is usually 10 digits long and all numbers Free phone numbers (or Australia toll free numbers as Australians call them) start with the digits 1800 (similar to those in the USA)

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